Resultados: 8

O uso de robôs na assistência de enfermagem: um estudo exploratório-descritivo

OBJETIVO: investigar quais as patentes registradas relacionadas à invenção de robôs para uso na assistência de enfermagem. MÉTODO: pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, abordagem quantitativa, realizada nas bases de dados INPI, Latipat, Espacenet, USPTO, FPO, CIPO,...

Oncologic EmergencIes: Nursing Care proposed in Literature

Introduction: Cancer patients need special care which improve their quality of life and protect them from complications. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to prevent undesired events, thus knowledge on oncologic emergencies is needed for fast interventions that can save lives. Objectives: To identi...

Comunicação como instrumento terapêutico para pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea: revisão

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) causes psychological effects in patients, especially in terms of autonomy and coping with the situation; therapeutic communication can help patients to recover these. This integrative literature review aims to identify evidence of using communication interventions in pat...

Angústia espiritual: revisão integrativa da literatura

This study aims to identify concepts and clinical indicators that evidence spiritual distress in patients. Integrative review was the method adopted for the development of the study. In the initial stage, 82 studies were found in the following databases PUBMED, COCHRANE, CINAHL, LILACS and North American...

Validação conceitual do diagnóstico de enfermagem comunicação verbal prejudicada

This study aimed to carry out the conceptual validation of the elements of the diagnosis Impaired Verbal Communication and assess its inclusion in the taxonomy. The Concept Analysis step of Hoskins' Validation Model was used, based on a bibliographic survey with the following descriptors: communication, ...

Assistência de enfermagem a portadores de linfoma de hodgkin submetidos à quimioterapia: revisão integrativa

The high occurrence rates of Hodgkin's Lymphomas and the treatment-associated complications as well as the complication of the disease itself evidence the need for a technical-scientific training of nurses in order to provide health care to this population. In this sense, this study had the aim to identi...

Processo de enfermagem: aplicação à prática profissional

It is presented, on the basis of a literature review, a historical evolution of the Nursing Process, understanding it as a technological instrument and a methodological model for the nursing professional practice. It is briefly described how the Nursing Process has advanced, from the initial emphasis in ...